Last news from Mauri

Pastosano & Quotidiano" initiative

F.lli Mauri joins the "Pastosano & Quotidiano" initiative

Aware of the importance of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, F.lli Mauri joined the "Pastosano & Quotidiano" project in October, promoted by ATS Brianza and aimed at local businesses.

The project is based on the concept that proper nutrition is the basis for maintaining a good state of health and that about 54 % of employed consume a meal outside the home. Hence the initiative, welcomed very positively in F.lli Mauri, to promote within the company a proposal of balanced and nutritionally correct dishes to employees who use the canteen service.

Indeed, scientific studies show that the Mediterranean diet helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, type2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and cognitive impairment, all without sacrificing taste.

The first phase of the initiative involved all employees who were invited to fill out a survey regarding their eating habits.Based on the responses collected, the company will then receive periodically from ATS Brianza, over the next year, via a special QR Code, useful tips and advice to facilitate a healthy and conscious food choice.