SPECIAL is our normal
We CREATE solutions
Fasten your business
Last news from Mauri

our production

Mauri personally manages and controls the production process of each piece: all products are designed internally and later submitted to tests and prototypes before being mass produced.


We CREATE solutions

Every day we create new solutions to make your job more effective and your production processes more efficient: we share our know how to our customers for high-quality results.
Prodotti custom su misura


Do you have a project to realize? Our technical office designs customized solutions, even based on the client’s own drawings.

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We CONTROL every process

We can guarantee the full reliability of our products: our operators with the support of modern tools supervise each phase of the production process with several controls.

We PROTECT our employees

To let everyone working in complete safety is not only a legal requirement, but a moral duty we are happy to fulfill by using all at our disposal.

We CARE about our world

In our plants we use only green energy coming from renewable sources, to guarantee the minimum possible impact on the environment. Awareness and responsibility: every company should know that every action has an impact on the environment around us.

We DELIVER in real time

Mauri has a dedicated plant for all the logistic operations: here the products returning from surface treatments are received and quality tests are performed in a special laboratory.

We KEEP your secrets

One of Mauri’s key points is the ability to support its customers in the design and implementation of innovative solutions, always promising and guaranteeing maximum confidentiality.

We DELIVER in real time

Mauri dispone di uno stabilimento interamente dedicato alle operazioni logistiche: qui si ricevono i prodotti di ritorno dai trattamenti superficiali e si eseguono i test di qualità.

We KEEP your secrets

Uno dei punti di forza di Mauri è la capacità di affiancare i clienti per la progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni innovative, garantendo sempre la massima riservatezza.