Initiative carried out under Priority Axis III “Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises” / Objective 3c.1 “Supporting the creation and the extension of advanced capacities for products, services and development” / Action 3c 1.1 “Support investments in plants and machinery, intangible goods, and guidance in company reorganization”
Beneficiary: F.lli Mauri srl
Project amount: € 990.000,00
Grant amount: € 841.500,00
Project description: Creation of a new tapping department with advanced Industry 4.0 machinery. The objective is to increase capacity and improve the product quality in order to permit the expansion into new markets.
Project amount: € 990.000,00
Grant amount: € 841.500,00
Project description: Creation of a new tapping department with advanced Industry 4.0 machinery. The objective is to increase capacity and improve the product quality in order to permit the expansion into new markets.